Learning Disabilities

A learning disability is a neurological condition that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store, and respond to information. These disabilities can impact various academic skills such as reading, writing, math, and comprehension, and they can vary greatly in severity.

Types of Learning Disabilities


  • Affects reading and related language-based processing skills. Symptoms include difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and spelling abilities.


  • Impacts writing abilities. Symptoms include illegible handwriting, inconsistent spacing, poor spatial planning on paper, poor spelling, and difficulty composing writing.


  • Affects mathematical abilities. Symptoms include difficulty with number sense, memorizing arithmetic facts, accurate and fluent calculation, and logical-mathematical reasoning.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NVLD):

  • Impacts nonverbal skills such as motor coordination, visual-spatial organization, and social skills. Symptoms include difficulty understanding nonverbal cues, poor coordination, and challenges with spatial orientation.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD):

  • Affects the ability to process auditory information. Symptoms include difficulty understanding and remembering spoken information, distinguishing between similar sounds, and following spoken directions.

Visual Processing Disorder:

  • Affects the ability to interpret and use visual information. Symptoms include difficulties with visual discrimination, visual memory, and spatial relationships.



Treatment Interventions